Arizona Department of Water Resources

Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) – Per the 1980 Groundwater Management Code, the Arizona Department of Water Resources has various responsibilities to regulate groundwater and other water sources and how water providers use that water. The State has five active management areas (AMAs) including the Tucson Active Management Area (TAMA), which is the focus of ADWR’s management plans and water regulations. The District interacts with ADWR for a variety of issues from well permitting to obtaining a permit for recharge projects.

Assured Water Supply Designation – In early 1996, the District’s Metro Main service area received an assured water supply designation that requires it to be using 100 percent renewable supply by 2025. Metro Hub does not have an assured water supply designation. In 2015, the District received an assured water supply designation for the Metro Southwest – Diablo Village service area. ADWR’s goal for the Tucson Management Area is to be at safe-yield by 2025. Safe-yield ensures that the amount of groundwater withdrawn equals the amount of water that is replenished through natural or man-made recharge. ADWR also oversees how assured water supply credits are acquired through various recharge efforts.

Management Plan – Every ten years per statute, a management plan is developed by ADWR to oversee various regulations in order to move an active management plan closer to safe-yield. ADWR’s Fifth Management Plan is effective for the period 2020-2025.

Conservation Regulations – ADWR regulates municipal water providers under the Total Gallons Per Capita per Day (GPCD) Program. A water provider is to meet a GPCD target as established under the current management plan.